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Asalamualikum Warahmatu Wabarakatuhu brothers and sisters.

We have literally become obsessed with taking photos and videos of ourselves and others. Its just another way of separating our lives that we show off on social from reality. Somehow, our devices have become our vices; they've begun to control our lives!

Remember youre not a burden. Youre not worthless. The All-Mighty Allah made you and youve every right to be here. Dont ever feel that the world would be better off without you. Everyone struggles. Everyone will fall apart at some stage. Do your best and leave the rest to Him.

Be serious about your repentance. The one whos truly remorseful is the one who is regretful of his past sins. He has a deep fear of falling into them again. And more importantly, he stays away from bad company and those who are likely to encourage him to sin again.

It doesnt matter if youve made mistakes. We all do. You dont need to carry around labels or mistakes from yesterday as if they define you. Whatevers done, is done. Its over. It doesnt have to brand you and affect the new choices you're making today. Go forward.
Be mindful of your old habits. Dont go back to them. Remember, toxic behaviour and negative energy have a way of creeping back into your life when youre doing better. Make a conscious effort to boot them out once and for all. Be firm. Be focused.
Someone did you wrong? Learn to let it go. The truth is they will ruin more of your life if you allow them to invade your mind like a virus. This will in turn affect the quality of your life. The best thing to do is to move on. Show that youre strong enough to take control.