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Solutions To The Problem Of Corruption In Nigeria...

The solution to corruption in Nigeria is one of the top searches of every Nigerian. The rate of corruption in Nigeria is gradually becoming unbearable. In fact, some people think that there is probably to solution to the problem of corruption in Nigeria, since almost all the steps taken by the Nigerian government in the past, have been futile.

Nonetheless, this article does not only provide solutions to corruption in Nigeria. It explicitly presents tentative solutions, that will drastically eradicate the rate of corruption in Nigeria. So, if you have been longing to find the solution to corruption in Nigeria, here you have tentative solutions to solve the problem of corruption in this country.

Solutions To The Problem Of Corruption In Nigeria today

Below are the solutions to corruption in Nigeria:

Establishment of an Anti-corruption agency
Renaissance of the minds of all Nigerians.
Good home training.
Frequent check in the activities of government.
Prayers of all Nigerians.

Yeah, those are the solutions to corruption in Nigeria. But that notwithstanding, i will explain each of the solution listed above, to give a clearer picture of what they all entail.

Establishment of an anti-corruption agency:

One tentative solution to the problem of corruption in Nigeria, is the establishment of an anti-corruption agency that will combat corruption in Nigeria. The anti-corruption agency must be an agency that is fair, plane and incorruptible in nature. They must be seen to handle all cases of corruption in Nigeria without fear and favour.

The reason why an anti-corruption agency is important to solve the problem of corruption in Nigeria is because, many people who engage in corrupt practices, seldom stop doing it unless they are given capital punishment for their actions. Establishing an anti-corruption body is therefore an easy way to punish anybody caught engaging in corruption. This will deter corrupt people from engaging in corruption, and inversely, corruption in Nigeria will be reduced.

Renaissance of the minds of all Nigerians

According to britannica.com, Renaissance was the period in European civilization immediately following the Middle Ages and conventionally held to have been characterized by a surge of interest inClassical scholarshipand values.However, Renaissance as used in this article, is a period when the minds of people will be changed, and everything they do, will be for the right purpose.

For corruption to stop in Nigeria, there must be a renaissance of the minds of every Nigerian. Some scholars believe that Nigeria is a country accustomed to corruption. But i do not agree with that. If there can be a renaissance in the minds of all Nigerians, the problem of corruption will be resolved.


It is truism that only a patriotic citizen can defend and stand for his/her country anywhere. Nigeria lacks citizens that are patriotic; and it is for this reason, that corruption has kept on growing.

Selfishness will do nothing, than to destroy and wreck this Nigeria. If you are searching for tentative solutions to corruption in Nigeria, the lack of patriotism, is apparently one of them. For Nigeria to be emancipated from corruption, we must try to be patriotic citizens. Patriotism is indeed, a cogent solution to the problem of corruption in Nigeria.

Good home training:

In my article on the causes of corruption in Nigeria, i stated the point "Bad home training". On the other hand, one of the most tentative solutions to corruption in Nigeria, is good home training. If parents will understand the fact that their children are the leaders of tomorrow, and learn to train their children very well, the problem of corruption in Nigeria will be grossly eradicated.

It may seem indirect, but believe me, the way parents train their children, greatly contribute to the increase or decrease in the rate of corruption in Nigeria. Indeed, good home training is one of the solutions to corruption in Nigeria.

Frequent check in the activities of government:

In school, i was thought that one of the principles prevalent amongst the various organs of government, is the principle of Check and Balances. Well today, i don't see that principle playing in Nigeria's organs of government. It is because of this, that corruption has continuously increase in Nigeria.

The Nigeria judiciary do not check on the activities of the executives and the legislature, the executives do not check the activities of the judiciary and the legislature and the legislature also do not check the activities of the judiciary and the executive. It is therefore right to say that one of the solutions of corruption in Nigeria is the enforcement of the principle of checks and balances

Prayers of all Nigerians:

Another solution to corruption in Nigeria is prayers. Yes! This is very important for the problem of corruption in Nigeria to be solved. Every Nigerian should develop the habit of praying for this country. The truth is that, solving corruption in Nigeria is impossible except through prayers to God. That is the only way there can be a renaissance in the minds of all Nigerians.

If we can pray incessantly for Nigeria, i strongly believe the rate of corruption in Nigeria will drastically decrease.


From: www.latestjambnews.com

Source : Latestjambnews.com
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